BTB supporting and implemeting the green transition
BTB Transformers aims to be involved in supporting and implementing the green transition from fossil forms of energy to more sustainable development with renewable forms of energy. In our work with this objective, we have noticed that the market faces certain difficulties, including the fact that the demand for transformers is very high, which means that the delivery times for transformers have become very long. Long delivery times for key components such as transformers mean that many solar power, wind power, and energy storage projects are delayed and the production and distribution of renewable energy does not start as quickly as desired.
Our goal for the project "Development of product range for the green transition" supported by EURA 2021 was to be able to offer new transformers with competitive and short delivery times. To shorten the delivery times, we have been developing our products and increasing our capacity to deliver transformers. With the financial support from “Elinkeino, liikenne-ja ympäristökeskus” and European Union within the program “Ett förnybart och kompetent Finland 2021-2027”, we have been able to employ a key person with the focus to develop new alternative transformer suppliers.
The result of this project has been an increased turnover for BTB Transformers and an ability to employ more staff as the business grows. We are also happy that we, as a result of this project, are more capable of contributing to sustainable development and the realization of the green transition.